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Summer Guides

A selection from The Infatuation's New York Summer Guide 2016

A selection from The Infatuation's New York Summer Guide 2016


The Infatuation New York and Chicago Summer Guides


Food Guide PDFs


Visual Design


Finkl Black, Museo Sans


Creative Director: Tom Wahlin
Copywriter: Sam Faye
Photographers: Chicago - Christina Slaton, Neil Burger
New York - Noah Devereaux, Ryan Muir, Ashley Sears

The Infatuation puts out a Summer Guide PDF every year for Chicago and New York. The wonderful team at The Infatuation brought me on to consult on typography and to create a design system that would apply to both cities' summer guides.

Both Summer Guides include unique maps of the neighborhoods for section intros and each restaurant is on the map in it's proper location and links out to it's specific page in the guide. Each restaurant has links out to google maps, phone number, and website.

To download the NYC Summer Guide click here.
To download the Chicago Summer Guide click here.

A selection from The Infatuation's Chicago Summer Guide 2016