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The Proust Questionnaire


Mobile App


UX, UI Design


Archer, Bariol


This app makes getting to know your friends and yourself an ever-evolving game of honest answers and careful wording. Based on the famous set of questions from the Proust questionnaire and information from your social media accounts, you'll find out everything you wish you'd known sooner. Each game is a snapshot into who you and your friends are at this exact moment in time.

Just tap one of the 31 questions. Answer it for yourself and even add a photo. Then invite friends to answer questions about themselves.

All answers are stored in the archives, waiting to be looked back upon, reevaluated or even laughed at (but never retracted). A hamburger menu allows you to easily navigate through the app. And it's complete with a section for semi-neccessary questions about the app like, "Megashark or Crocosaurus?"